Monday, October 20, 2008


Allrighty then, even the return of Aquavelveta pales next to news
of Plush Neon Monkey`s re-animotion (that`s a word right?). There were dark days for plush neon monkey, learning to cope with his paralysis. The sudden violence of the first chained-stand, full power test of Frangible Spoon`s Weed Whacker Ornithopter was hard on everyone present. Hell, it took twenty minutes to sweep up Frangible`s all but powdered remains. Meanwhile Nitinol Spoon sustained neither a scratch nor dent that didn`t pop right out with a quick dip in hot

The conflagration began when a gust of wind brought the tip of one of the Weed Whacker Wings in contact with one of the chains holding down Frangible Spoon`s ornithopter. When the dust cleared, Frangible Spoon was too shattered to be recognized. Plush Neon Monkey and Nitinol Spoon were both thrown to the distant fences, and the Weed Whacker Ornithopter was once again a dream, two broken weed whackers, and a lot of unlikely looking little pieces.

In true Neon Monkey style, Plush has continued to make personal appearances.His San Andreas appearence was just weird; the dark orange sky was very distracting. Even so, we could tell he was just propped up. Oh yeah, you still got it, glow buddy.

Frangible Spoon has recently been resifted and shock-molded. He claims he isn`t as shiny as he used to be, but it`s nice to be tall again. Even though the whacker-thopter was his favorite re-purposed lawn tool aircraft, there was no mention of rebuilding it.

Fuzzy stem cleaner therapy has made great strides lately! Here at The Flatware County Gazette, we`re all hoping to see Plush Neon Monkey at this Fall’s gravy boat hayride, and we`re saving him a seat. Interest in this, the last tour of the season, has been running high. With luck the gravy won`t coagulate for another couple of weeks.

1 comment:

Vicky said...

Where can I get tickets to the Gravy Boat hayride?